
Astrology updates

Sun in Taurus

To be honest, Taurus is a favorite of mine. I have Sun, Moon, Venus and my midheaven in the sign of the bull so I know it well. This sign wants you to slow down and take your time. It’s not so much about being lazy but conservation of energy. The sun in Taurus has…

Aries New Moon Hybrid Solar Eclipse

We are in the midst of transformation as the Aries Moon joins the Sun in Aries for a rare hybrid solar eclipse just after midnight (12:12 am EDT) on April 20th. This is the second Aries new moon this year, a rarity in itself, at the anaretic degree (29) which carries a lot of potent…

Venus in Gemini

It’s time for multitasking your relationships as Venus flutters into Gemini today. You may find yourself texting one person while you’re talking to another. Gemini is great at keeping all the balls in the air. You may find there’s a lot of people that want to chat with you right now, this is talkative energy.…

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